For security reasons, this information is restricted to operational activities within the Harbor Complex. Acting as a major gateway for USAsian trade, the port occupies 3,200 acres of land with 25 miles of waterfront in the city of Long Beach, California. Our Target Mapping service provides real time ship locations from our 25 mile radius area of responsibility right to berth. The Marine Exchange also provides data to both the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach on air quality compliance through the Ports' Voluntary Speed Reduction Program. From left, Long Beach 7th District City Council Member Roberto Uranga, Harbor Commissioner Bonnie Lowenthal, Pacific Harbor Line President Otis Cliatt II, Harbor Commission Vice President Sharon L. You may learn more about our operation by linking to our VTS User's Manual.

Captain of The Port Authority combined with Maritime Industry insight provides a synergy that assures a world class operation. It is considered a classic example of the benefits of Public-Private partnership. The Marine Exchange Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Los Angeles-Long Beach (LA/LB) is jointly operated by the Coast Guard and Marine Exchange of Southern California. The Port of Long Beach, also known as Long Beachs Harbor Department, is the second-busiest container port in the United.